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Title 24 Compliance in Los Angeles

Title 24 compliance is all about lowering energy consumption and eliminating waste by everyone on a day-by-day basis. It’s achieved not only in the new construction of commercial properties and homes but also in the renovation and everyday use of all properties. If you are not sure if you meet Title 24 compliance, it would be wise to gain insights from highly knowledgeable consulting engineers such as K2D.

Title 24 Does Much More Than Conserve Energy

Conserving and eliminating energy waste is good for much more than just your pocketbook. Title 24 compliance towards more sustainable-energy practices touches almost every aspect of our daily lives. Section Six of Title 24 does make your environmental impact significantly less and results in cheaper electricity, water, and other utilities. Less power use also means less cost to operate and maintain the infrastructure that produces power. Additionally, it means that less new infrastructure will need to be built in the future. The savings from Title 24 compliance are long-term and ongoing.

Title 24 also applies to every section of building construction and operation to maintain a standard of health and safety, as well as to make the building more accessible to a broader range of people. The higher standards for construction operations make California a better place to live and do business in.

For a state that is home to more than 12% of the US population, Title 24 has proven to be an incredible feat,which not only are other states replicating but other countries as well. The strategic goal is netzero energy usage. By eliminating wasteful, uneconomical, and unnecessary uses of energy, not only do consumers save money on their individual energy bills but the costs and pollution to produce energy are reduced and possibly one day eliminated.

It all begins with the right engineer’s knowledge and insight into Title 24 compliance. It requires planning using energy efficiency tools and applications. Title 24 compliance and reporting is mandatory, but it also helps your business and improves your lifestyle. K2D will evaluate a building’s energy usage and make changes that save energy while positively impacting your comfort, the environment, and your bottom line.

K2D provides the entire range of services needed to help contractors, builders, and developers meet customer needs and Title 24 compliance for final approval.

K2D is Here to Help Build a Greener Tomorrow, Today

K2D provides specific solutions to your project challenges. Our MEP consultants are highly trained and experienced. We work closely with architects and owners to provide successful coordination of building systems. K2D provides the best design solutions that are cost-effective today and well into the future. Today’s facilities must be built to last many decades with the foresight to ensure a maximum lifecycle.

For further information or to schedule a consultation please call K2D at 310.935.3773 or visit to learn more.

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