MEP Engineering Consulting Services The Advantages of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Our MEP consultants provide and encourage cutting-edge and affordable technology to help clients meet all…Arash khalifehNovember 16, 2020
MEP Consultants Getting the Most from MEP Consultants The optimal functionality of a building’s mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems (MEP)are the key determinants…Arash khalifehOctober 15, 2020
Title 24 compliance K2D Commitment to Title 24 Compliance What owners and managers need to understand is that energy standards are not stagnant. Standards…Arash khalifehSeptember 15, 2020
Title 24 compliance Title 24 Compliant Brings Energy Cost Savings Along with Reducing Energy Impacting the Environment Another round of important steps towards Zero Net Energy (ZNE) began January 1, 2020, featuring….…Arash khalifehAugust 13, 2020
Title 24 compliance Title 24 Compliance – Who Pays the Costs and Who Receives the Benefits California continues progressing and preparing for a future of reliable energy for all of us…Arash khalifehJuly 29, 2020
MEP consultants in Los Angeles MEP Engineers Reduce Overall Energy Consumption K2D is industry-recognized for its innovative and collaborative approaches in complex LEED projects and energy-sensitive…Arash khalifehJune 27, 2020
MEP consulting engineers How Integration of Building Systems and Right-Sizing Helps Your Bottom Line The best way to achieve optimal building performance, human comfort, and environmental sustainability is by…Arash khalifehJune 11, 2020
MEP consultants in Los Angeles MEP Consultants in Los Angeles Feature Sustainable Construction Practices (Designing with Comprehensive Lifecycle in Mind) K2D Consulting Engineers is committed to sustainability in every way. One of the most important…Arash khalifehApril 14, 2020
MEP ConsultantsMEP consultants in Los AngelesTitle 24Title 24 compliance Innovative and Cost Effective Solutions for Homes and Commercial Facilities MEP consultants in Los Angeles perform a very important role in obtaining and maintaining title…Arash khalifehMarch 19, 2020
Title 24 compliance Title 24 Compliance for 2020 and Beyond (California’s Commitment to Green Building and Energy Efficiency) As of Jan. 1, 2020 the changes to Title 24, Part 6 (that were codified…Arash khalifehFebruary 13, 2020
Mechanical Engineers in Los Angeles Integrated Mechanical Engineering for Cost and Energy Savings Our professional heating, vacuum, and air-conditioning (HVAC) mechanical engineers in Los Angeles take the need to…Arash khalifehJanuary 16, 2020
Plumbing Engineer in Los Angeles Green Plumbing – Integrated Plumbing Solution for Cost and Environmental Effectiveness Green engineering isn’t only about solar panels on the roof of your building. People often…Arash khalifehDecember 6, 2019